
An In-Depth SR&ED Overview for Medical Professionals in Canada


At its essence, the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) initiative is geared towards motivating businesses, including healthcare practices, to engage in research and development (R&D) activities that pave the way for innovative, enhanced, or technologically superior products or procedures. For the healthcare sector, this means backing for exploratory development focused on advancing medical [...]

An In-Depth SR&ED Overview for Medical Professionals in Canada2024-07-09T13:41:19-04:00

How Physicians in Canada Can Employ Corporate Capital to Eliminate Their Mortgage in 15 Years Resources


Intriguing proposition, isn’t it? The idea of utilizing corporate capital to extinguish a mortgage within 15 years holds appeal. For incorporated physicians across Canada, this opportunity exists with strategic planning and the implementation of an insurance solution, specifically, a Split Dollar Critical Illness (SDCI) policy.Defining SDCI A SDCI plan involves an insurance policy owned by [...]

How Physicians in Canada Can Employ Corporate Capital to Eliminate Their Mortgage in 15 Years Resources2024-07-09T13:41:19-04:00

Leveraging Insurance for Tax Efficiency: A Strategy for Incorporated Professionals in Canada


In the intricate world of financial planning for incorporated medical professionals, understanding the nuanced role of insurance is paramount. Insurance extends beyond mere protection; it's an essential tool in strategic tax planning and financial optimization. A key element to grasp is the Capital Dividend Account (CDA) credit. This mechanism provides a tax-efficient way to [...]

Leveraging Insurance for Tax Efficiency: A Strategy for Incorporated Professionals in Canada2024-07-09T13:41:19-04:00
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