
An In-Depth SR&ED Overview for Medical Professionals in Canada


At its essence, the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) initiative is geared towards motivating businesses, including healthcare practices, to engage in research and development (R&D) activities that pave the way for innovative, enhanced, or technologically superior products or procedures. For the healthcare sector, this means backing for exploratory development focused on advancing medical [...]

An In-Depth SR&ED Overview for Medical Professionals in Canada2024-04-10T10:46:11-04:00

How Physicians in Canada Can Employ Corporate Capital to Eliminate Their Mortgage in 15 Years Resources


Intriguing proposition, isn’t it? The idea of utilizing corporate capital to extinguish a mortgage within 15 years holds appeal. For incorporated physicians across Canada, this opportunity exists with strategic planning and the implementation of an insurance solution, specifically, a Split Dollar Critical Illness (SDCI) policy.Defining SDCI A SDCI plan involves an insurance policy owned by [...]

How Physicians in Canada Can Employ Corporate Capital to Eliminate Their Mortgage in 15 Years Resources2024-04-04T13:48:32-04:00

Steering Through Economic Changes: A Financial Planning Perspective for Medical Professionals


In today's ever-changing economic landscape, medical professionals across Ontario and Canada are confronted with distinct financial hurdles. The recent uptick in inflation and the variability of interest rates have widespread effects, notably in the realm of financial planning. Imperial Lifestyle Management, as your trusted financial navigator, aims to illuminate how these economic shifts influence [...]

Steering Through Economic Changes: A Financial Planning Perspective for Medical Professionals2024-01-02T15:27:57-05:00

Salary vs Dividends: What Canadian Medical Professionals Need to Know


  In October 2023, 100% Salary income from your corporation is the way to go for 90%+ clients. The very few outliers are typically new clients who approach us at or near the end of the year. The lack of prior planning isn’t too costly, but it’s certainly not the most efficient when you [...]

Salary vs Dividends: What Canadian Medical Professionals Need to Know2023-11-17T15:11:18-05:00

Navigating Painful Decisions: A Conundrum in Medical Practice


  The intricate nature of decision-making within the medical profession is deeply rooted, often navigating through choices that embody distressing and complex situations. The article, "No Pain-Free Options? Choose the Most Empowering,"(read here) illuminates the cognitive processes enabling individuals to navigate through challenging decisions. A parallel can be drawn with healthcare professionals in Canada who [...]

Navigating Painful Decisions: A Conundrum in Medical Practice2023-10-10T09:33:56-04:00

Top 2023 Tax Tips for Medical Residents and Students in Ontario


As we journey through 2023, it’s paramount for medical residents and students in Ontario to be well-versed in the array of tax-saving strategies at their disposal. Effective tax planning not only bolsters your current financial standing but also lays the groundwork for prudent fiscal decisions throughout your medical career. In this guide, we’ll delve [...]

Top 2023 Tax Tips for Medical Residents and Students in Ontario2023-10-06T14:24:19-04:00

Understanding Capital Gains Surplus Stripping for 2023: Key Incentives for Ontario Doctors


For years, many professionals, including doctors, lawyers, and small to mid-sized business owners, have been taking advantage of a tax-efficient way of withdrawing cash from their corporations called capital gains surplus stripping (CGSS). In 2023, this is still a prevalent strategy, especially when there are excess retained earnings (typically in excess of $250,000). Instead [...]

Understanding Capital Gains Surplus Stripping for 2023: Key Incentives for Ontario Doctors2023-08-31T14:36:00-04:00

Average Cost of Accounting Services for Canadian Doctors in 2023


Accounting services play a crucial role in the financial management of Canadian doctors' practices. With the complexities of tax regulations and the unique financial considerations within the medical profession, doctors often rely on professional accountants to handle their accounting needs. We will explore the average cost of accounting services for Canadian doctors in 2023, [...]

Average Cost of Accounting Services for Canadian Doctors in 20232023-07-12T14:44:44-04:00

Residency Budgeting: Advice for New Medical School Graduates


Your financial choices during residency pave the way for a prosperous future. Therefore, it’s critical to manage your funds without delay. You may progressively pay off your student debt by creating a workable budget that you can stick to and monitoring your spending patterns. Being a resident is a rewarding step on the path [...]

Residency Budgeting: Advice for New Medical School Graduates2023-06-12T00:01:04-04:00

What You Need to Know As A Medical Professional If You File Your Taxes Late


Tax season is here! A large number of individuals end up missing the personal tax deadline, which is May 1st, 2023 this year. The deadline usually falls on April 30th, but as this falls on a Sunday this year, you have until Monday, May 1st. By this date, you should have your taxes filed [...]

What You Need to Know As A Medical Professional If You File Your Taxes Late2023-06-12T00:02:52-04:00
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